GoodView provides airport transfer pick-up services from / to Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories.

Verity is a leading independent investigation consultancy providing services to a wide range of industries and market sectors.

第一印象 與 決勝的七秒 人們往往在兩秒到十五分鐘之間,已經能夠判讀出對對方的感覺與形象。例如兩個初次見面的人,透過對彼此外在的觀察所導致的形象。再透過心理學中所說的銘印現象,將對方的感覺烙印在自己腦海中。往後的互動只是透過經驗證據,不斷加強自己在「第一印象」銘印其所得到的感受。 第一印象的好壞,常常是決定一個人往後的經濟、社會效益的成敗的關鍵。 你想你的客戶對你留下深刻的好印象嗎? 你想改善你

專業形象設計及指導 想令人眼前一亮,給人留下印象,與你保持聯絡,外表、打扮是十分重要的。 女仔化妝不襯色、著衫撞色,就算有多貴、多靚的化妝品、多新款的衫褲鞋襪放上身也會很"嚇人"。 男仔即使滿身名牌,但若頭不襯衫、衫不襯褲、褲不襯鞋,也會令女仔"窒步"。 即使你外表不俗,若不懂得談吐,不懂得製造話題,也只能做隻"鵪鶉",靜靜地坐在一旁,白白浪費機會。 Seeking-U就可以為你提供專業的形象指
S美容 / 形象顧問Seeking-U

本公司直接生產、出入口、批發及零售各式髮件;產品以高科技術工藝製造再配用各種流行網底,並以優質真人髮及日本仿真髮絲生產各類髮件。 喜髮國際向以嚴謹盡責的態度,交貨準時及質優價廉的產品聞名於本地及海外。深得各地買家及用家稱許,樂於選購及配戴。 *代客修理髮件;銷售各種膠水、雙面膠貼、髮夾 等。 *歡迎本地及海外同業洽商銷售及加工業務。 *特設本地門市現購或訂做,並設有海外個別郵購服 務。. *無須
美容 / 形象顧問喜髮國際公司

Service Apartments, Service Suites, Furnished Apartments and Hotel Apartments
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.

HRA recruitment is the recruitment division of HR Associates Ltd. We are one of the leading recruiting experts in constructions, building, oil & gas and engineering in Asia. With our internationa
H商業 / 商業優惠H R Associates (H.K.) Limited

Fanny Florist Ltd Offers the freshest and highest quality floral arrangements for all occasions. We have been providing floral products to our customers for over twenty years. We offer different vari
F鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Fanny Florist Ltd.

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Eaton House Furnished Apartments are perfect for corporate housing and short to long-term leases. Our Hong Kong apartments include superbly located properties in Happy Valley and in Wan Chai. Each ap

掌握改變!成為別人眼中的 魅力情人 ! Website: ( 現已多達 500 多張相片供參考 ) Skin Reborn !! 28天肌膚重生及日常化妝工作坊 每一種美容護膚品都有一套自己的理論,真不知該聽那一套的! " 28天肌膚重生法 " 讓妳自我認識到肌膚護理之基本因素後,再配合其它如:中醫、西醫、專業美
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掌握改變!成為別人眼中的 魅力情人 ! Website: ( 現已多達 500 多張相片供參考 ) 專業美容化妝師 Annie Siu 從旁為妳指導,特別專注幫妳了解自己的面形線條特性, 讓你在 找到屬於自己外在形象特質, 創造非人人可的個別化妝技巧 !! 讓您成為受大眾歡迎,由內到外散發魅力的理想情人! Ann
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PRODUCTS - last will & testament Have you made a will? For those of you who have taken the time and trouble to make a Will, the question ‘have you made your Will yet?’ brings on an en
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“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards” Soren Kierkegaard The guiding force of my professional life is to find ever more effective ways for my clients to ov
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